torstai 30. kesäkuuta 2011


Here we go! This is me in Ljubljana, Slovenia. After spending some time in a pretty nice mailbox, I finally got out and made new friends. After a long trip it was nice just to relax and play with a little girl. After a good rest my new friends took me to a zoo! I had only seen a cat before, so it was really exciting. Unfortunately we didn't get any photos from the zoo.

I am on my way again, exciting to find out where I'll be next! See you soon!

tiistai 7. kesäkuuta 2011

Tough luck!

Stuck already. I'll be waiting in someone's mailbox for a month. Surprises are nice but this one really didn't work out! So you won't hear from me in while. This will be boring..

lauantai 4. kesäkuuta 2011


Here I am taking my last looks at my home town. The small thing in the background is Näsinneula, one of the best known sights in Tampere, Finland. I have my backpack on and I'm ready to start my journey towards my first destination. Leaving on Monday, hope to get back to you soon!

torstai 2. kesäkuuta 2011


Today I was born. I will start my travels soon, can't wait to see the world!

tiistai 24. toukokuuta 2011

I am a bear who travels the world in an envelope. If you found me somewhere where I appeared to be lost, you can either send email to to get an address to send me back to my contact person in Finland, or you can send me on to some other country with a letter. The original letter that has been traveling with me says:

My name is Bobby. My dream is to travel the world. I was sent to you by someone who believes that you will send me on.
I would like you to take a picture of me in your home town and send it to
My contact human will then post the pictures to where you can follow my journey. Please add the date you received me to the mail. You can send more than one picture, and if you want you can tell something we did together in your town!
My wish is that I wouldn't get stuck, so please don't keep me to yourself for more than a week. Remember to add this letter when you send me to my next destination.
Nice to meet you!